Chloe Goodman did the Ice Bucket Challenge!

Chloe Goodman is a British reality star on the MTV show Ex On The Beach, and like all British reality stars, she has big boobs! Those big boobs make these pics of Chloe doing the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge very entertaining, even though her facial expressions are pretty good too.

Use a Fleshlight while you view the pics.

Chloe Goodman Ice Bucket ChallengeChloe Goodman Ice Bucket ChallengeChloe Goodman Ice Bucket ChallengeChloe Goodman Ice Bucket ChallengeChloe Goodman Ice Bucket ChallengeChloe Goodman Ice Bucket ChallengeChloe Goodman Ice Bucket ChallengeChloe Goodman Ice Bucket Challenge

One comment on “Chloe Goodman did the Ice Bucket Challenge!”

  1. dragonnnr says:

    Wouldn’t mind to see the video of that one!

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